Sunday 31 December 2006

Textile Calculations

Fabric Design Calculation Validation

'Calculations (In Order)

Reed Width

                Ends per dent = sum of values separated by periods divided by count of values (from Warp table)
                Ends Sum = sum of end values from WarpDetail table
                Lenos = sum of lenos from Weft table

                Reed Width = (Ends Sum / (Ends Per Dent * Dents Per Inch) + Lenos * 0.85) * 2.54
‘ Formerly:            Reed Width = (Ends Sum / (Ends Per Dent * Dents Per Inch)) * 2.54
                Calculated Reed Width stored in Warp table

Warp Length

Target Length from Project table
                Heat Set Shrinkage from InFinish table
                Coating Shrinkage from InFinish table
Outside shrinkage from OutFinish table
                Take up from WarpDetail table

                For each warp in WarpDetail table:
                Warp Length = (1+ Sum(3 shrinkages)) * target length / (1 - take up)
                Calculated Warp Length stored in WarpDetail table

Greige Width

Calculated Reed Width from Warp table
Width Contraction from Weft table
                Greige Width = Reed Width * (1 – Width Contraction)

                Calculated Greige Width stored in Project table

Warp Quantity

                Dtex from WarpDetail table
                Ends from WarpDetail table
                TakeUp from WarpDetail table

For each warp in WarpDetail:
warp quantity = [Dtex] * [Ends]/ (1 – [TakeUp]) / 10000000

[Quantity] in [WarpDetail] set to calculated warp quantity

TakeUp is a percentage (between 0 and 1).

Weft Quantity

                Dtex from WeftDetail table
                Ends from WeftDetail table
                TakeUp from WeftDetail table
                ReedWidth from Warp table
                Selvage from Weft table
                Fringe from Weft table

For each weft:
weft quantity = [Dtex] * [Picks] / 0.254 * ([ReedWidth] + [Selvage] + [Fringe]) / 100000000

[Quantity] in [WeftDetail] set to calculated quantity

Mass Calculation:

Weft Quantity:
weft quantity = Sum of (weft quantity + ([dtex] * [picks] / 0.254 * [reed width] / 100000000) in [weft detail] table

Warp Quantity:
warp quantity = Sum of [quantity] in [warp detail] table

mass = 100000 * (warp quantity +  weft quantity) / (greige width)

Calculate Costs:
Twist Labour Rate = From FixedCosts table
Warp Labour Rate = From FixedCosts table
Weft Labour Rate = From FixedCosts table
Coat Labour Rate = From FixedCosts table
Finish Labour Rate = From FixedCosts table
Inspect Labour Rate = From FixedCosts table
Total Cost = 0
Target Length = From Project table
Coating Run = From InFinish table
Heat Set Run = From InFinish table
Heat Shrinkage = From InFinish table
                Coating Shrinkage = From InFinish table
Outside Shrinkage = From OutFinish table
Sum of Shrinkage = Heat Shrinkage + Coating Shrinkage + Outside Shrinkage

Twist Waste = From WeftDetail table
Beam Off Speed = From Warp table

' Default Waste amounts
Warp Waste = 0.02
                Weft Waste = 0.02
Twist Waste = 0.02

Exchange Rate = From Project table

'Calculate Warp costs in Project
For each warp in WarpDetail:
Get Yarn Cost and Twist Yarn Cost from WarpDetail
If Warp Speed Or Beam Off Speed = 0 Then
Run Time = 0
RunTime = Sections * Length / WarpSpeed / 60 +SetupTime +
Sections * 0.25 + Length / Beam Off Speed / 60
                                End If

Labour Cost = Run Time * Warp Labour Rate / Length * (1 + Warp Waste)

Get Take Up from WarpDetail (default is 1)

If (IsNull(varTwistYarnCost) Or varTwistYarnCost = 0) Then
TwistLabourCost = TwistTime * TwistLabourRate / Length *
(1 + WarpWaste + TwistWaste)

MaterialCost = YarnCost * Quantity * (1 + WarpWaste) *
(1 + SumShrinkage)
TwistLabourCost = 0
MaterialCost = TwistYarnCost * Quantity *
(1 + WarpWaste + TwistWaste) *
(1 + SumShrinkage)
End If
                                WarpTotalCost = LabourCost + TwistLabourCost +MaterialCost
                                Fields updated with calculated values
TotalCost = TotalCost + WarpTotalCost

'Calculate Weaving costs in Project
LoomSpeed = From Weft table
LoomEfficiency = From Weft table
WeftSetupTime = from Weft table

For each weft in WeftDetail
WeftLength = varTargetLength / (1 - varSumShrinkage)
YarnCost = From WeftDetail
TwistYarnCost = From WeftDetail

                                Picks = From WeftDetail
WeaveTime = Picks * 39.37 * WeftLength / LoomSpeed / LoomEfficiency * 100 / 60 +
LabourCost = WeaveTime * WeftLabourRate / TargetLength * (1 + WeftWaste)
If varTwistYarnCost = 0 Then
MaterialCost] = varYarnCost * Quantity] * (1 + varWeftWaste) *
(1 + varSumShrinkage)
                                                MaterialCost] = varTwistYarnCost * Quantity] *
(1 + WeftWaste + TwistWaste) * (1 + SumShrinkage)
End If
                                WarpTotalCost = LabourCost + TwistLabourCost + MaterialCost
TotalCost = TotalCost + WeftTotalCost

CoatingCost = 0
                                For each Coating
If Amount > 0 And Cost> 0Then
CoatingCost = CoatingCost + Amount * Cost
End If

CoatingCost = CoatingCost / TargetLength
CoatingLabour = CoatingRun * FinishLabourRate / TargetLength
InFinishLabour = HeatSetRun * FinishLabourRate / TargetLength + CoatingLabour) *
(1 + SumShrinkage)
                                Update LabourCost in InFinish table with InFinishLabour
                                Update Material Cost in InFinish table with CoatingCost

OutFinishCost = From OutFinish table
InspectCost = InspectLabourRate * 0.5 / 300
Update InspectionCost in Inspect table with calculated InspectCost

PackageSkid = 25 / TargetLength
BagSkid = 5 / TargetLength
BoxSkid = 15 / TargetLength
                                UpdateField [PackageCost] in Inspect table with (PackageSkid + BagSkid + BoxSkid)
                                TotalCost = TotalCost + InFinishLabour + CoatingCost + OutFinishCost + InspectCost +
PackageSkid + BagSkid + BoxSkid
Update ProjectCost in Project table with TotalCost'



  2. #Textile #Technology #Innovation 🕸️ Flexible Fibre Battery 🕸️🕸️🕸️

