Saturday, 24 July 2010

Global NanoTech Education Programs

Global NanoTech Education Programs

লিখেছেন Shafiul Islam   
Saturday, 24 July 2010

Dedicated to: Bipro, Mahfuz, Mashiur, Orko, Rejaul, Saad, Salma and my friends for your drive and dedication to make a difference!

Advances in NanoTechnology offer exciting opportunities for developing sophisticated solutions for challenging applications. Often prospective students seek advice about the academic degree programs in nanotechnology in our global village.  Recently has addressed the issue and stepped up to the task of keeping a comprehensive database and links to 258 programs that can be sorted by level of degree, alphabetically and country. Click on the blue link: Nanotechnology Degree Programs or explore them here: . Explore more....
Three years ago, there were only 150 nanotechnology education programs. Now, you have over 258 choices! If you have real passion for innovation, creative problem solving, science and technology - then nanotechnology is a right choice for you.
To explore in perspective, click on the Nanowerk's database links below:

Bachelor Degree Programs (59)
by country

Master Degree Programs (129)
by country

Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) Programs (35)
by country

Other Degree (Certifications etc.) Programs (35)
by country

All Programs (258)
by country
country/program matrix
Nanowerk links to 258 nanotech degree programs in 33 countries. According to Nanowerk, here is the list of leading countries who offer the most nanotech education programs:
1. USA - 62 
2. UK - 40
3. Germany - 30
4. India - 18
5. Australia - 17
6. Canada - 15
National Science Foundation, NSF, predicts that nanotechnology will boost the U.S. Economy by US$1 trillion a year by 2015. The NSF expert panel also projects, "The effect of nanotechnology on this century could be at least as significant as the combined influences of microelectronic, medical imaging, computer aided engineering and man-made polymers developed in the past century."  NanoTechnology has yet to make an significant impact on the marketplace.
Possibly the nanotech education programs of China and Japan are missing the Nanowerk's list due to the language barriers. What about our beautiful Bangladesh?
As I write this article, India plan to produce laptops for $35 (=1500 rupee) for students. Even India foresee to subsidize laptops for $10 for students. At the same-time a university student in Bangladesh has voiced his pain to pay newly imposed VAT on the top of his huge tuition fee that he managed by selling his parental property. Here are two contrasting strategic thoughts about vision, problem solving and futuristic opportunity to empower our socially responsible next generation! 
Vision creates value. Let there be vision. "Let there be light." "Attitude determines altitude!"
You may like to explore these links below for in-depth information on nanotechnology in perspective.
Featured Insights:

Acknowledgements:,, MW Canada, TexTek Solutions and Dr. S Koul.
Updated: 2010 10 11
সৌজন্যেTexTek Solutions ::  Vision Creates Value

শফিউল ইসলাম

ইমেইল: :: ওয়েবঃ :: Canada ::  
মন্তব্যগুলো (8)Add Comment

লিখেছেন Md. Najmulm Alam , August 04, 2010
Ami Mohakash Groho, Nokhotro somporke Bistarito Jante Chai.
Pls a somporke Amake Janan. Thanks.
Global NanoTech Education Programs
লিখেছেন salmaAkter, August 04, 2010
We made our education as a business so its happen.Here we do not think that education is our right its an opportunity ............What a devastating system which germinated from primary education system by coaching center.
Hope for the best.
Thank you.

Global NanoTech Education Programs
লিখেছেন Shafiul Islam, August 04, 2010
Hello Najmulm,
Thanks for your comments and interest. You may like to explore this link:
Further, we encourage you to contribute to your area of interest.

Global NanoTech Education Programs
লিখেছেন Shafiul Islam, August 04, 2010
Thanks for your thoughts. A good teacher must be a good student with a stimulating learning attitude and dedicated passion for education and vision.
লিখেছেন রেদওয়ান নেওয়াজ, August 11, 2010
বিজ্ঞানী ডট কম এর প্রচলিত একটি উক্তি হচ্ছে বাংলায় বিজ্ঞানকে জানুন ও বুঝুন। আমরা যারা এখানে লিখি বা এই সাইট এর সাথে সংযুক্ত তাদের এই উক্তি মাথায় রেখে পোষ্ট দেওয়া উচিত। ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে আপনার মুল্যবান পোষ্ট দেওয়ার জন্য।

Global NanoTech Education Programs
লিখেছেন Shafiul Islam, August 11, 2010
রেদওয়ান নেওয়াজ,

Thanks for your thoughts. "Let there be light" - be it in Bengali or English. Facing the future, will outreach global talents both in English and Bengali interface. So you can expect more joyful journey in future.


শ্রদ্ধেয় Shafiul
লিখেছেন রেদওয়ান নেওয়াজ, August 12, 2010
যথাযথ সম্মানের সাথে বলছি আপনার বক্তব্য পড়ে আমার মনে হল "আমরা সেদিনের স্বপ্ন দেখি যে দিন আমেরিকার বাচ্চারা তাদের দ্বিতীয় ভাষা হিসেবে বাংলাকে বেছে নিবে যেমন এখন তারা নেয় ফরাসী ভাষাকে। কিন্তু আমরা সে স্বপ্ন দেখতে পারিনা যে দিন আমাদের তথ্য প্রযুক্তি সব বাংলায় থাকবে। যেমন চীন, জাপান, কোরিয়ায় রয়েছে " ইংরেজী ভাষ্যবাদীরা আমাদের থেকে অনেক এগিয়ে আছে তাদের হয়ত বাংলা না জানলেও চলবে। তাদের উইকিপিডিয়া অনেক সমৃদ্ধ কিন্তু আমাদের উইকিপিডিয়ার কথা কত জন জানে তা নিয়ে আমি সন্দিহান। আর আমার সাথে আপনিও নিশ্চয়ই স্বীকার করবেন বোঝার ক্ষেত্রে মাতৃভাষা শ্রেয়। না হলে এই সাইটির বিশেষত থাকল কোথায়?

Global NanoTech Education Programs
লিখেছেন Shafiul Islam, August 12, 2010
রেদওয়ান নেওয়াজ,

We appreciate your thoughts. Our planet is changing rapidly. Today, we live in an interlinked global village. As advised, we are committed to present our readers and contributors more choices.

You may like to explore our audio video feature presentation in Bengali:

We look forward to your comments.

Shuvarthee, শফিউল

Global NanoTech Education Programs:

Saturday, 10 July 2010

সৌরশক্তির বিমান - Solar-Powered Aircraft

সৌরশক্তির বিমান - Solar-Powered Aircraft

লিখেছেন Shafiul Islam   
Saturday, 10 July 2010

Dedicated to: Prof. Khalilur Rahman, Department of Mathematics, Habibullah Bahar College, Dhaka.

Sunlight rays radiate roughly 1.36kW/m2 kilowatts per square meter on our planet. Can we harness, sustain and manage this free energy efficiently? As our quest for sustainable alternative green energy solution continues, a carbon fiber composites-intensive 1500kg aircraft used 12,000 super-efficient thin solar cells on its 61m wingspan to collect enough energy from the Sun's rays to power the plane and flew day-night, a 26-hour flight, without fuel at 8,500m altitude at 70km/hr. Explore the links below for in-depth information:
সৌজন্যেTexTek Solutions ::  Vision Creates Value 
শফিউল ইসলাম
ইমেইল: :: ওয়েবঃ :: Canada :: 

সৌরশক্তির বিমান - Solar-Powered Aircraft:

Extreme Engineered Material Design

Extreme Engineered Material Design

 | টেক্সটাইল| লিখেছেন  Leave a reply      
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Dedicated to: Dr. Palitha Bandara, School of Design, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. 
Technically advanced materials have sophisticated physical properties and functional features. Scientists have pioneered the investigation of producing high performance fibrous materials. Recent advances in bio, nano and textile technology presented enormous opportunities for developing engineered materials for challenging applications with critical performance requirements. This research article sheds on light on the critical physical properties of high performance materials and our endeavors and progresses in perspective to design lighter, stronger, tougher and safer materials.
Textile material touches our life many ways. They are used today to replace corrosive heavy metals for high performance applications and extended life cycle. Specialty fibrous materials exhibit specific physical properties and functional features. For challenging applications and environment, scientists and technologists predict, analyze, combine and optimize structure-performance-property interrelationships for developing engineered materials with critical performance requirements.
Table 1: Properties of selected high performance fibrous materials. 
Materials  g/cm3  GPa  GPa
Carbon Nanotube, SWNT  1.33-1.4  ~100  ~1000
Cellulose NonoCrystals, Wood  1.5  ~10  ~150
UHMWPE, Dyneema, Spectra  0.97  2.4-3.3  73-124
PBO, Zylon  1.54-1.56  5.8  180-270
Vectran, (HT, UM)  1.4  3.0-3.2  75-103
para-Aramid, Kevlar (29, 49)  1.44-1.47  2.9-3.0  70-112
Graphite (AS4)  1.8  4.3  230
E-Glass  2.6  3.4  72
Stainless Steel  7.8  2  210
Polyester PET, High Tenacity  1.38  1.1  15
SWNT: Single Wall NanoTube. UHMWPE: Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene. PBO: Poly-para-phenylene bisoxazole.
Density or specific gravity, refers to how light/heavy is the material. The density of water is 1 g/cm3.
Strength = Load required to break the material. Modulus = Resistance energy to extension. 1 GPa = 100kg/mm2.
  Designing extreme engineered materials is far more complex than ever. To simplify the process, we have considered here three critical mechanical properties of materials: density, strength and modulus among the other specialty physical properties of these fibrous assemblies. Note that not all fibers are suitable for all challenging applications. Each fiber has its distinct property for its niche application. Table 1 presents the physical properties of selected high performance materials. To design and develop extreme engineered materials, we primarily combine high strength-to-weight (strength and density) ratio and resistance energy to extension (modulus). Table 1 highlights:

  • CNTs and NCCs are the most strongest materials 
  • UHMWPE is the lightest strong material
  • Stainless steel is the heaviest material
Carbon NanoTubes (CNT) and NanoCrystalline Cellulose (NCC) are two emerging super strong materials. The physical properties of CNTs and NCCs are based on theoretical calculation and experimental observation. But these two strongest nanomaterials, CNTs and NCCs, will change our material science and engeneering world dramatically. They are likely to be used as reinforcing fillers into conjugating matrix prolymer to make stronger and tougher composites. Their strength and toughness synergy will depend on how intricately they are coupled with polymer matrix. We need to learn how to couple and manipulate invisible nano-particles safely for designing extreme engineered materials with sophisticated physical and functional features.
Stay tuned! More to come....
Acknowledgements: TexTek Solutions & MW Canada. 
Interesting References:
2011 Airship Technology> Materials> S Islam et al., Cambridge University Press, UK - In Press
2010 Vectran Fiber: A Unique Combination of Propoerties for the Most Demanding Applications:, Jul 10
2010 Carbon Nanotube, Wikipedia, Jul 10
2010 [PDF] KEVLAR® technical guide - DuPont. The miracles of Science™; Jul10
2010 Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes,, Jul 08
2010 Super Strong NanoCrystalline Cellulose Synthesis: Challenges and Opportunities, S Islam,, Jul 04
2010 Sizing Nanoparticles - Determining the Particle Size of Nanomaterials by Micromeritics,, Jul 02
2010 Biosensing with Nanotubes, J G Shapter,, Jul 01
2010 Progress and Perspectives in the Carbon Nanotube World, M Endo,, Jun 23
2010 Soft Capacitor Fibers Using Conductive Polymers for Electronic Textiles, J F Gu, S Gorgutsa, M Skorobogatiy, Jun 26
2010 Complete Analysis of Nanomaterials in Textile Textile Industry, Nanomaterials,
2010 Iridescent Solid NanoCrystalline Cellulose Films Incorporating Patterns and Medthod for Their Production, S Beck, J Bouchard, R Berry, USP 2010/0151159 A1, Jun 17
2010 Striking New Details About the Electronic Structure of Graphene, Graphene, May 20
2010 Conductivity Trends of PEDOT-PSS Impregnated Fabric and the Effect of Conductivity on Electrochromic Textile, Y Ding, M A Invernale, G A Sotzing, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 2, No. 6, 1588-1593, May 18
2010 Technical Interactions, R Berry, FP Innovations, Montreal, Canada.
2010 Parameters Affecting the Chiral Nematic Phase of NanoCrystalline Cellulose Films, J Pan, W Hamad, S K Straus, Macromolecules, 43, 3851-3858
2009 Canada Strikes Nanotech Gold, R Lombardi, Canadian Business Online, Oct 13
2009 New Wood-Fibre Product Holds Promise for Forestry Industry, Edmonton Journal, Jun 25
2009 A Technique for Production of Nanocrystalline Cellulose with a Narrow Size Distribution, W Bai, J Holbery, K Li, Cellulose, 16, 455-465 
2006 Carbon Nanotubes: Next Generation of Electronic Materials, J Seetharamappa, S Yellapa, F D'Souza, Electrochemical Society Interface, Summer
2006 Cellulose NanoCrystals Make Plastic 3,000 Times Stronger, Nanowerk News, Oct 19 
2006 Methods and apparatus for spinning spider silk protein, S Islam et al., USP 7,057,023 Jun 6
2005 High-toughness Spider Silk Fibers Spun from Soluble rc-Silk Produced in Mammalian Cells, C Karatzas, S Islam et al., Biotechnology of Biopolymers: From Synthesis to Patents, 2 Volumes, Germany 945-966
2005 Nanotech Changes Everything, R Spence, Canadian Business Online, Jul 25
2005 Value-added Textile Technology, S Islam, Textile Excellence J., Anniversary Issue, Jul. 3(1) 55-56
2005 [PDF] TOYOBO CO., LTD.:

সৌজন্যেTexTek Solutions ::  Vision Creates Value

Extreme Engineered Material Design


শফিউল ইসলাম
ইমেইল: :: ওয়েবঃ :: Canada :: 

Extreme Engineered Material Design:

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Super Strong NanoCrystalline Cellulose Synthesis: Challenges and Opportunities

Super Strong NanoCrystalline Cellulose Synthesis: Challenges and Opportunities

 | ন্যানোপ্রযুক্তি| লিখেছেন  ৩ comments       
Sunday, 04 July 2010
Dedicated to: Dr. Mustafizur Rahman, Head of the Department, Textile Engineering & Technology, AUST, Dhaka.
Nature has created many majestic materials. Cellulose is the most abundant organic compound on our planet. Derived from nature's novel biopolymer, Nano Crystalline Cellulose (NCC) is one of the strongest materials ever known to human. NCC is extracted from woody biomass using controlled acid hydrolysis. Scientists in Canada have pioneered the investigation, modification and synthesis of cellulose nanocrystals to develop advanced materials and sophisticated solutions for challenging applications. This research reveals challenges and opportunities with super strong nanocrystalline cellulose synthesis in perspective.

All plant materials contain at least 20% to 50% cellulose. Composed of long chains of glucose molecules, the intricate web of crystalline and amorphous regions of cellulose supports the structural cells and physical features. The crystalline region provides the strength and rigidity while the amorphous region yields the elasticity and flexibility. Recent advances in bio, nano and textile technology enable us restructuring the structural formation of materials to produce lightweight (specific gravity) super strong (tenacity, strength at break) tough (modulus, resistance to extension) materials with superior performance and functional physical features. 
Cellulose whiskers or nanocrystals are produced by controlled strong sulphuric acid (H2SO4) hydrolysis by breaking down the cellulose fibrous assemblies, (acid predominantly attacks the disordered amorphous regions) and isolating highly oriented crystalline regions. Algal, Bacteria, Cotton, Flax, Hemp, Jute, Tunicate and Wood are unique sources of green nanoparticles. Among them, wood-pulp based NCC show high promise. NCC exhibits many attractive physical properties and functional features: exceptional mechanical properties, biodegradable, biocompatible, non-toxic, sustainable and recyclable.
Typical Properties of Wood-based NanoCrystalline Cellulose:
  • Rod-like shape. Aspect Ratio (D:L): 1 to 100. Yield 10-30%.
  • Typical Length (L) x Diameter (D): 200nm x 10nm (1nm = one billionth of 1m).
  • Tensile Strength Ts: 10 GPa (Steel: 1.28 GPa) (1 GPa = 100kg/mm2).
  • Elastic Modulus Em: 150 GPa  (Steel: 210 GPa).
  • Total Performance Ts x Em: 1500 GPa (Steel: 268.8 GPa).
  • High Surface Area: 250 m2/g.
  • Specific Gravity: 1.5 g/cc? - very light compared to Steel: 7.8 g/cc. (Water: 1 g/cc).
  • Cellulose Content in Wood / Straw: 40-50%.
  • Good Optical Properties - Create Colours without Dye or Pigment.
  • Self-assembly, Self-cleaning, Antibacterial, Conductive.
  • Biodegradable, Biocompatible, Non-toxic, Recyclable, Renewable, Sustainable, Eco-friendly
  • Cost-effective.
NCC's extraordinary physical properties are of attractive choice for many demanding applications. 
Nature presents diverse variation in the feedstock. The best quality jute we get in Bangladesh.
  • Selecting the right species of cellulose (feedstock)
  • Consistency of the feedstock building blocks
  • Time dependent integrity of polymer
  • Dispersion and orientation of nanoparticles
  • Cohesiveness and bonding filler and matrix
  • Transfer load to reinforcing filler
  • Carry and share load between broken and intact filler particles
  • Understanding nanomaterial synthesis, design, modification and characterization of materials
  • Improving interdisciplinary knowledge for intelligent design of products
  • Integrate physical properties of nanomaterials for futuristic functional features
  • Effective yields and chemical recovery
Integration of nano-sized 10-75nm carbon particle fillers into the rubber matrix increases the strength 1000x, stiffness 7x and abrasion resistance 5x folds. Tires would not be made from rubbers without carbon black fillers. Cellulose nanocrystals offer similar challenging opportunities:
  • Replace petrochemical based materials
  • Develop lighter, safer, stronger materials
  • Recyclable components for renewable resources
  • Produce conductive materials from non-metallic nano-particles
  • Research and modify jute and other cellulose nanocrystal structures
As the size of the particle reduces the degree of defects reduces and mechanical properties improves significantly. Even small additions of NCC fillers to polymer matrix can increase its strength exponentially. Just "by adding an ounce of NCC to a pound of plastic, you can increase the strength of plastic by 3000x times," reported Dr. William T. Winter, a chemistry professor and director of the Cellulose Research Institute at ESF, USA. 
A few examples of prospective applications:
  • Advanced reinforced polymers, adhesives, bioplastics and nanocomposites
  • High performance textile fiberous and structural materials
  • Barrier films and membranes with superior physical properties and functional feature
  • Tissue engineering, heart valves, skin grafts bone replacement and tooth repair materials
  • Pharmaceuticals, antibacterial products and drug delivery
  • Sensors, actuators and switchable optical devices
  • Additives for coatings, paints, food and cosmetics
  • Improved paper packaging and construction products
  • Automotive, aerospace and transportation
FP Innovations, Canada, currently produce kilogram quantities of wood NCC, are  working with NORAM Engineering to design a 1 ton/day facility - expected to be operational within 1 year.
Cute Jute NCC?
Scientists in Bangladesh have recently cracked the genetic sequence code of jute. Once jute was well-known as the golden fiber of Bangladesh. Jute has 60-65% cellulose. The modification of materials and synthesis of highly oriented nanocrystalline structures are expected to revive jute again for developing specialty products with critical performance requirements.

Bulk gold is yellow. Nano gold is red. Due to high surface area, nano materials have lower melting point than the bulk materials. Although much more research and innovation are necessary to further improve the synthesis, modification and characterization of materials, it is already clear that nano-crystalline cellulose possess a number of promising physical properties. Facing the fascinating challenges, until further advances are achieved, scientists must turn to nature to culture nature's nanoscience. 
National Science Foundation, NSF, predicts that nanotechnology will boost the U.S. Economy by US$1 trillion a year by 2015. The NSF expert panel also projects, "The effect of nanotechnology on this century could be at least as significant as the combined influences of microelectronic, medical imaging, computer aided engineering and man-made polymers developed in the past century."  Nanocrystalline Cellulose has yet to make an impact on the marketplace.
Stay tuned. More to come....
Acknowledgements: TexTek Solutions :: MW Canada Material Innovations. 
Further References: 
2011 Forestry sector lays the roots for a future in bioproducts - The ...
2011 Nanocellulose plant inaugurated | Pulp & Paper
2010 Pulp and Paper Canada - Nanocellulose steps up on stage
2010 Iridescent Solid NanoCrystalline Cellulose Films Incorporating Patterns and Medthod for Their Production, S Beck, J Bouchard, R Berry, USP 2010/0151159 A1, Jun 17
2010 Technical Interactions, R Berry, FP Innovations, Montreal, Canada.
2010 Parameters Affecting the Chiral Nematic Phase of NanoCrystalline Cellulose Films, J Pan, W Hamad, S K Straus, Macromolecules, 43, 3851-3858
2009 Canada Strikes Nanotech Gold, R Lombardi, Canadian Business Online, Oct 13
2009 New Wood-Fibre Product Holds Promise for Forestry Industry, Edmonton Journal, Jun 25
2009 A Technique for Production of Nanocrystalline Cellulose with a Narrow Size Distribution, W Bai, J Holbery, K Li, Cellulose, 16, 455-465 
2006 Cellulose NanoCrystals Make Plastic 3,000 Times Stronger, Nanowerk News, Oct 19 
2006 Methods and apparatus for spinning spider silk protein, S Islam et al., USP 7,057,023 Jun 6
2005 High-toughness Spider Silk Fibers Spun from Soluble rc-Silk Produced in Mammalian Cells, C Karatzas, S Islam et al., Biotechnology of Biopolymers: From Synthesis to Patents, 2 Volumes, Germany 945-966
2005 Nanotech Changes Everything, R Spence, Canadian Business Online, Jul 25
2005 Value-added Textile Technology, S Islam, Textile Excellence J., Anniversary Issue, Jul. 3(1) 55-56

সৌজন্যেTexTek Solutions ::  Vision Creates Value 
শফিউল ইসলাম
ইমেইল: :: ওয়েবঃ :: Canada ::

মন্তব্যগুলো (3)Add Comment

Cellulose Nanocrystals of cute Jute
লিখেছেন salmaAkter, July 04, 2010
অপেক্ষায় আছি জানার জন্ন্য।

লিখেছেন shampa, October 13, 2010
banglay lakha chai.

Super Strong NanoCrystalline Cellulose Synthesis: Challenges and Opportunities

লিখেছেন Shafiul Islam, October 13, 2010
Thanks for your thoughts. May I request you to translate this article?